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During the E3 2018 edition, Electronic Arts (EA) revealed a new tier to its Original Access PC. The subscription is known as Original Access Premier and is set to give subscribers an early start to the latest games.

Subscribers are given early access to AAA games that are highly anticipated. They include Battlefield 5 Deluxe, Madden 19 Hall of Fame, Anthem and FIFA 19 Ultimate. Origin Access Premiere Subscribers are given a 5-day start trial before the games are launched. It’s as great as the online games you play with LaBa360邀请代码, and you can even choose the games you want easily.

Get the Game You Want

You don’t need to pay for each game that you buy. Instead, you could pay EA the same way as you pay Netflix, a fixed fee each month. In return, you could try out all the different EA games easily. It’s a win-win for all, since EA gains more customer loyalty, and you as gaaamer, don’t have to worry about buying different games every few days.

Blake Jorgensen who is the CFO of EA cited that the new front line games will be released on separate dates. However, the launch of Origin Access Premier was timed during the release of Madden 19.

The game was set to be released on August 7, but EA took the opportunity to release the game five days earlier. Madden 19 has been missing in action for the past decade. A lot of gamers missed the game, and they were thirsty for the football action.

Fortunately for EA, they grabbed the opportunity. They knew most gamers would want a five-day head start thus subscribing to Origin Access Premier.

The other games will be released in the later months; FIFA 19 Ultimate on September 20th, Battlefield 5 in October and the most awaited game Anthem in February 2019.

The Origin Access costs $5 per month which is about $30 per year. On the other hand, the Origin Access Premier costs $15 per month or $100 per year.

Once the Origin Access Premier was launched the previous tier Origin Access was dubbed as “basic”. But subscribers still get the same services such as:- a ten per cent discount in the Origin Store, access to older EA titles and a limited time period for free trials on new games.

The Premier tier will also get the same discount on all Origin Store purchases. Moreover, the subscribers will get unlimited access to full games and all major new releases.

EA has discovered that players spend twice as much time and money on non-frontline games. The Origin Access Premier tier is an added advantage as it will attract more gamers to their site. Moreover, new users will be driven to subscribers to their tier and system.

As of right now, the tier is only accessible to PC but it could be expanded to other gaming consoles if the venture is successful.

What do you think about the move? We think it was a long time coming for one!